Site Service Engineering completes full external audit suite
We are pleased to announce that Site Service Engineering has completed the full external audit suite with a clean bill of health.
Stocks Group's COVID-19 response
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, we have taken the decision that all Stocks Group employees who are able to work from home should do so immediately.
Stocks Group consolidating businesses into one site
We have taken the decision to bring all the Stocks Group companies under the same roof to enable better integration between our businesses.
Pipe fabrication for wave tanks at Imperial College London
Site Service Engineering has undertaken important work on the wave machine tanks used for groundbreaking research at Imperial College London.
Site Service Engineering offers full support to British Steel
British Steel and the Scunthorpe Steelworks retain the full support of Site Service Engineering and we will do everything possible to ensure a smooth transition for the new owners.
Site Service undergoes successful 1090 re-audit
We are delighted to announce that Site Service Engineering Ltd has been re-certified as a BS EN 1090 compliant company, achieving a perfect record in our recent audit.
Site Service Engineering is part of the Stocks Group
Site Service Engineering is proud to be part of the Stocks Group, a provider of integrated engineering solutions to industry and commerce across the UK and Europe.